Chasselas Vieux Coteau
Féchy AOC La Côte

62.40 CHF166.00 CHF

This wine with its subtle and complex aromas has a lovely, fine nose that is typical for the characteristic terroir of the Féchy appellation.

This wine is sold in cardboard boxes of 6 bottles (70 cl) or 20 bottles (50 cl).

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This wine with its subtle and complex aromas has a lovely, fine nose that is typical for the characteristic terroir of the Féchy appellation.

This wine is sold in cardboard boxes of 6 bottles (70 cl) or 20 bottles (50 cl).

Additional information

Weight N/A

35 cl (20 bottles), 50 cl (20 bottles), 70 cl (6 bottles)


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Féchy AOC La Côte”

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